
Thank you for your interest in drop-in counseling with Loyal Blue! We are a solution-focused practice founded by a Cal alum (Go Bears!)

We know what it’s like to need a little advice from time to time.

How it Works

Fill out this form (your information stays private). A therapist will be in touch Monday-Friday within 24 hours. Need a 24 hour line on the weekend? Call 988 for the crisis line.

No topic is too big or small! We give you some ideas for next steps and things to think on specific to your situation.

Common topics are:

  • stress and stress management
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • food or sleep issues
  • family, social life and relationships…
  • even careers in psychology and beyond. We look forward to hearing what’s on your mind.

Who Can I Talk To?

Our Drop In Team changes throughout the year. We are all licensed therapists or registered associate therapists. We are trained in behavioral health to help you navigate modern life.

We also offer full appointments for paying clients at our practice including student discounts; read about us here!

lindsey head shot
Lindsey, MFT
Kennedy, AMFT
Jessica, AMFT
Tara Saunders Headshot
Tara, AMFT
We will text you at this number to set up a call.
In case we need to send you some notes from our talk, or provide helpful resources or other info.
If yes, you must complete the next question before submitting. We are not a 24 hour service. Please call or text 988 for the suicide hotline.
…I’d like to receive Loyal Blue’s email newsletter which contains skills, info on what’s working in counseling, and tips to lead a happier and healthier life. (We won’t share your information.)

We are not, nor are we holding ourselves out to be a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or any other medical professional. Drop-in counseling is not a substitute for medical and mental health care provider services. View our full Medical Disclaimer.