Now that you’ve cleared some space in your brain by accepting and focusing, see if you can find some wisdom and direction to start with from your very own head…maybe it will give you some great ideas for the year ahead.
- If I had to wear my motto for life on a T-shirt or a bumper sticker, what would it be?
- Do I have all the information I need to make my next big life decision? If not, what am I missing and when will I learn more?
- Am I still making choices trying to please someone besides myself? Who is this internalized audience – Mom? An ex-relationship? How can I replace their voices with my own and what would that look like?
- Have I thought seriously about my finances lately? Am I ready to take some new steps for saving for retirement or a life dream? If not, when will I be?
- Am I treating those close to me with the love I really feel for them? Or am I shortchanging them for other, more transient priorities? How do I want to love and be loved? What do I need to learn to attract the love I want?
- Am I happy with the way I look? If not, can I free myself to fix what I can change and to accept what I cannot?
- Where will I be in 5 years? If the trajectory of my life stayed the same for the next 5 years, would I be happy? Bored?
- Do I have unresolved health concerns that finally deserve my attention?
- If I were to visit with my 10-year-old self, what would he or she think about me? Do we still have the same opinions, passions, or willfulness?
- Have I made a home for myself that I can be proud or, or am I waiting for Real Life? What is keeping me from thinking of this as my Real Life?
- What can I do about the people who have disappointed me, and those I have disappointed? Would I heal a damaged relationship if I could? Can I forgive those who have let me down?
- I there anything unfinished in my life that I am willing to walk away from forever? If I haven’t yet tackled learning that language, moved to New York, or started my own business, is it time to make room for new dreams?
- When was the last time I felt pure, child-like joy? Was it provoked by a person, a place, or news I received? What can I do to continue to wake up that feeling and keep it alive?