By: our former AMFT, Maddy Pettit Young adulthood is a time when many enter therapy for the first time. People come in for a variety of reasons- depression, anxiety, relationship…
I'd like to tell you about what might be the most important book published in my field this year (and it's only February!): Dan Pink’s The Power of Regret: How…
“The psychology of returning” is a phrase I’ve come up with the describe this chapter in the pandemic. It’s such a big topic that I even created a talk around…
As a tennis player, I occasionally mis-hit a ball on the frame instead of the strings (also known as a “shank”, the player therefore known as a “Shank-a-potamus”, and the…
If you are on your undergraduate journey right now, you’re probably trying to have some form of a college experience during an ever-present pandemic. Whether it’s a return to familiar…
This isn’t your basic comeback, what we are trying to do. I’ve written about personal comebacks before. This is more than recovering from the depression of so much loss, the…
Having lived through a pandemic, we all learned a thing or two about radical acceptance without even knowing it. It took many of us weeks to months to accept the…
We know a lot about aging well, both physically and mentally — and this blog post is about that, looking through the lens of the past year. Does what we…
Strategies For Your Family To Effectively Deal With Tantrums and Meltdowns — If you are like most parents, you have probably had the experience of a crying, screaming, tantruming child…
Update November 2024: This post is from December 2020, but the concepts remain the same as we close out 2024. See if you can use these road-tested ideas to get…