Anger is one of the hardest emotions to express in therapy. When I say to a client, “It sounds like you are pretty angry with so-and-so”, they often deny it.…
I’ve been recommending this book a lot lately: “The Time Paradox” by Philip Zimbardo. The concepts are sound and extremely useful for instruction in counseling. There are three main “time…
(Conquering What Ifs Part 2) Last year one of my columns addressed some of the common concerns that young couples have when they enter my office. They are asking the…
We all overeat sometimes. So what is binge eating? Eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar…
If you’ve set a goal for yourself before, you’ve probably also chosen a particular reward for your achievement: Clean out garage = dinner and a movieStay on track with budget…
How are your New Year’s resolutions going? (Did you even make any this year?) I’ve come up with three possible reasons that resolutions are going out of style: We are…
Our persistent search for the perfect happiness formula has led to many paradoxes. As a nation we have become sadder and more anxious as we search for these golden rules.…
My clients who learn to practice acceptance usually end up on the fast track to their goals, because acceptance is power. When you accept a person or a situation for…
This will draw sharp contrast with the stock market and economic woes, but let’s say you’re feeling pretty good right now in spite of everything. Your money is spread out…
Much like money, personal energy is slippery. Does your free time ever pass and leave you wondering where it went? Have you ever sat down at the computer, intending a…